Fueling Your Business Growth: How Google Ads Can Ignite Your Sales

Collin Belt

Last updated Aug 30, 2024

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As a business owner, how can you reach people interested in your product or service? Thousands of small and established businesses use one route to increase sales and grow with undeniable results: Google Ads.

Google controls over 90% of the global search engine market. Some people searching online for products or services are your ideal customers, and you don't want them jumping to your competitors. The right ads with Google can supercharge your digital marketing.

How Google Ads Drives Sales

By putting your business on top of the search engine results pages (SERPs), Google Search Ads help more people find you and purchase your offerings.

Unlike some advertising channels, Google Ads has excellent targeting capabilities. You can set your ads to be seen by a specific group of people likely to buy your products.

Your target groups can be based on:

  • Demographics — location, age, sex, device type, etc.
  • Interests and habits
  • What they're actively looking for
  • Past interactions with your ads, website, or app

For example, say you sell high-end running shoes online. Then, you can use Google Ads to place ads targeted to people interested in running shoes — such as those who've already searched for terms like "best running shoes for marathons" or "top athletic shoes."

Such ads feed an already existing desire rather than creating a new one. This increases your business's chances of conversions and sales.

Precise ad targeting can be incredibly effective. Asutra, a U.S. wellness brand, had zero website visits in 2018. But, Google Ads campaigns helped the brand get over 300,000 clicks by 2022, bringing in a six-figure revenue increase.

Types of Google Ads

Google Ads uses a pay-per-click (PPC) payment model, where you only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad.

Different types of PPC ads work in different situations:

  • Search Ads. The most well-known type, they appear at the top of SERPs with the word "Ad" next to the URL. If used well, they can increase the visibility of your business on search engines and drive more traffic to your website.
  • Display Ads. They run on Google Display Network, spanning millions of websites, blogs, apps, and Google properties like YouTube and Gmail. These ads receive many views, making them great for increasing brand awareness and reaching a broad audience.
  • Shopping Ads. They appear on SERPs and show your product image and other important details such as price, title, and store name. As they show potential customers what they are getting before visiting your site, these ads show high conversion rates.
  • Video Ads. Playing before, during, or after a video on YouTube, these ads target avid video watchers. Reaching YouTube's massive audience can raise brand awareness and bring new customers to your business.
man holding sparklers

Benefits of Using Google Ads

Google Ads provides four benefits for your business.

Cost-Effective Advertising With Measurable Return on Investment (ROI)

Google gives you total control over your ad costs. You can decide how much, what for, and when you want to spend without worrying about going over your budget.

You can also optimize your spending depending on an ad's performance. If an ad is doing well, you can increase the ad spend to get the desired results. You can reduce the spend or pause it instantly to avoid losing your hard-earned dollars if an ad is underperforming.

By continually tracking and improving your campaigns, you get the most ROI. On average, businesses make about $8 for every $1 spent on Google Ads.

Advanced Retargeting Options

Some of your website visitors may not be ready to purchase, but this doesn't mean you should give up on them. Google Ads allows you to display targeted ads to these users as they browse other sites or interact with other apps.

This keeps your brand fresh in the prospect's mind. Since they've already interacted with your business, they may only need a little more convincing to buy your product or service.

Flexible, Scalable Campaigns

Unlike traditional advertising avenues, like billboards, that tie down your budget for a set period, Google Ads is a highly flexible, scalable option. A wide variety of ad formats, bidding strategies, and targeting options gives you the power to establish a "killer" online presence and make sales.

Moreover, as your business grows, you can scale up your marketing efforts to meet your changing needs. For example, within a single Google Ads account, multiple campaigns can be optimized for specific product lines and services.

Detailed Analytics and Reporting To Optimize Ad Performance

Tracking, measuring, and evaluating ad performance is a breeze with Google Ads. It provides detailed analytics of your campaigns, including clicks, conversions, impressions, and traffic generated. Analyzing this data helps you make data-driven decisions and optimize your ad campaigns for better results.

With Google Ads reports, you can track where leads come from, which formats bring the best results, and what keywords trigger the ad — helping you double down your efforts at the right spots.

Practical Tips for Setting Up Google Ads Campaigns

Setting up a successful ad campaign can be daunting. Follow these tips to create effective ads on Google:

  • Have clear goals. What are you looking to achieve with your ad campaigns? Do you want to increase website traffic, increase brand awareness, or generate more sales? By setting a clear goal, you can choose the right ad strategy and budget.
  • Understand your audience. Who do you want to see your ad? What do they do? Where do they hang out online? What are their needs? Answer these questions to craft the best ads for your target audience.
  • Choose the right keywords. Google Ads operate on keywords. A keyword research tool, like Google's Keyword Planner or Semrush, can identify the right keywords for your campaign.
  • Write compelling ad copy. You need an ad that stops your audience in its tracks and convinces it to take action. To that end, ensure all copy elements, like the headline, body, descriptions, and call to action, are interesting and compelling.
  • Don't forget the landing page. Generally, when users click an ad, they go to a landing page. Ensure this page is up-to-date and relevant to the ad to increase the chances of conversion.

Find a Partner for World-Class Google Ads Campaigns

With a business to run and customers to serve, you may not have the time to master Google Ads intricacies or manage ad campaigns yourself.

At Pyromaniac Digital, our digital marketing experts will take care of your ad campaigns for you — putting your business in front of new faces and ahead of the competition. Get in touch with us and say hello to explosive growth today.

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