Ignite Your Digital Marketing: The Ultimate Starter Guide

Collin Belt

Last updated Dec 09, 2024

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You're ready to take your business from flickering flames to a blazing success. And you’ve probably heard that a digital marketing strategy is the key to doing just that. Every so-called marketing “guru” out there will tell you that you need to be online if you want your business to grow. But knowing how to apply all those digital marketing buzzwords to your business? That’s a different story.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you first wade into digital marketing. One Google search, and suddenly you’re drowning in four billion results telling you that you need a website, SEO, Facebook ads, Google Ads... and some mystery thing called a sales funnel.

I’ll be honest—there’s a lot that can go into a digital marketing strategy. After partnering with hundreds of businesses, I’ve got the secret recipe: a step-by-step sequence you can follow to ignite your success.

Every step builds a crucial piece of a bigger digital marketing system, so don’t go skipping around or trying shortcuts (believe me, you’ll just burn yourself). I’ve also organized the steps from least to most expensive. In the early days, every penny counts, but as your business grows, you’ll be able to invest more to create a marketing system that runs on autopilot.

Step 1: Create a Website That Converts Visitors to Leads

Your website is the cash register of your digital storefront—and the place where leads become paying customers. A solid website is your most valuable marketing asset, so having a professional, conversion-focused site should be your top priority.

But not all websites are created equal. A DIY job with zero strategy is like a burger without the bun—missing the point. To get it right, partner with a professional website designer who knows how to craft a design that looks great.

If you’re making less than $20,000 a year: Go the DIY route. Use platforms like Squarespace, Shopify, or Leadpages. They’re beginner-friendly and have everything you need to get started. Leadpages is our top choice for service-based businesses with its conversion-focused templates, while Shopify is perfect for ecommerce, and Squarespace is a solid option for blogs.

If your business makes more than $20,000 a year: It’s time to level up and partner with a professional designer. Expect to invest a few thousand bucks up front. It’s a chunk of change, but it’ll give you a rock-solid foundation that’ll supercharge your digital marketing efforts.

Step 2: Set Up an Email Marketing Automation System or CRM

Did you know that 96% of people who visit your website aren’t ready to buy right away? Yep, most people are in “research mode,” which means you’ve got to find a way to keep in touch until they’re ready to make a purchase. That’s where email marketing comes in.

Email automation is a lean, mean, lead-converting machine. The best part? It’s a high-ROI tactic that’ll deliver results without breaking the bank. You can start for free with a tool like MailerLite, and keep your initial campaigns simple. Set up an automated sequence that introduces your business, explains how you can help, and nudges them towards a purchase.

Set it up, forget about it, and watch those leads smolder into paying customers on autopilot.

Step 3: Claim Your Spot in Online Directories

Don’t underestimate the power of online directories. Make sure your business has an active Google My Business profile, then list yourself in as many directories as possible—Google Maps, Apple Maps, Yelp, and beyond.

Keeping track of all these listings is a pain, though, so I recommend having Pyromaniac Digital handle it for you. We’ll make sure your business info is always current, because outdated info is like a wet blanket on your digital marketing fire.

Step 4: Fan the Flames with Regular Social Media Content

Like it or not, social media is where people spend their time—2+ hours a day, to be exact. So, unless your ideal customer is living under a rock, they’re on social. Keep your business in front of them by sharing engaging content consistently. Aim for 15-25 posts per month to stay top-of-mind.

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Check out Pyromaniac Digital’s social media scheduling and management services—because who’s got time to post 25 times a month? If you’re going to do it alone, try HubSpot. It’s got the tools you need to keep those posts coming like clockwork.

Step 5: Blaze Up the SERPs with SEO

Next up: Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Proper SEO implementation can be your biggest traffic driver for years to come, and it’s a great way to build trust and credibility. People believe what Google tells them, so when your website is the top result, people start believing in your business.

SEO is complicated—Google’s got 200+ ranking factors. But nailing these four will get you off to a good start: keyword targeting, technical SEO, content marketing, and backlinks. And don’t go it alone! Partner up with Pyromaniac Digital to ensure your SEO is handled right from day one.

Step 6: Accelerate Your Growth with PPC Ads

Ready to throw some gas on the fire? Let’s talk Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. But—and this is crucial—don’t dive into PPC until you’ve built a solid foundation. Ads will only amplify what’s already working, so you need a high-converting website, solid SEO, and active social channels first.

Once you’re bringing in at least $200K/year, it’s time to set aside a budget for digital ads. Expect to invest $1,000+ a month in ad management and at least another $1-3K in ad spend. But beware: unless you’ve got the time and experience to manage ads yourself, partner with a seasoned agency like Pyromaniac Digital to handle it for you.

Step 7: Build Sales Funnels for High-Ticket Offers

Sales funnels are streamlined digital marketing systems that turn clicks into cash. If you’re selling high-ticket items ($500+), you need to set up a funnel to keep your lead-to-customer flow piping hot.

Funnels are expensive to set up and maintain, so they’re best for businesses already bringing in $250K/year. They’re complicated, but when set up correctly by a pro team (hey, that’s us!), you can turn $1 in ad spend into $5, $50, or even $5,000 in revenue.

Step 8: Optimize Everything with Data Analytics

The secret to a successful digital marketing strategy? Understanding what’s working and what’s just burning through your budget. Tools like Google Analytics are a must-have, allowing you to track and optimize your campaigns.

By the time you’ve followed these steps, you’ll have a finely-tuned digital marketing system that can bring in leads and sales on demand. You’ll be free to focus on delivering great products and services, while we handle the marketing for you.

Need help with your digital strategy? Schedule a call with our experts, and let’s set your business growth ablaze.

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